Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Blogs are a life-saver!!!!!!

So I was sitting in front of my computer thinking about random things. And man if I didnt get the sudden urge to post all the random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head, I think it would explode.

Lo and behold right there on blogger, a blog!

Now my goal of putting into written words all my thoughts, desires, secrets, aspirations, hopes and dreams for any anonymous person browsing through cyberspace could be realized. Oh what a glorious day!

I think to celebrate, tomorrow Ill write about how Danny is being such an asshole, Becky is being so mean and how nobody loves me. Perhaps I can garner sympathy or pity via comments and my day will be so much brighter.

One can only hope!

See ya soon!


Michael said...

Life sucks man. Let's cry together. Hold me.

Anonymous said...

Good words.