Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thinking Time

Ah. Fresh from a shower, listening to music, with my brain only half-functioning. This is what I like to call thinking time. I haven't had any caffeine today... Unless there's caffeine in Arizona Green Tea. Which thinking now, might make sense.

Well. A quick google search came up that each 8-oz server has 7.5 mg of caffeine. That's really not much. Especially considering I usually drink the same amount along with a bottle of mountain dew, or Bawls.

Anyways... Where was I? Right. I suppose I should introduce myself, or something. I happen to be Michael, residing quite reluctantly in Florida. Originally from New York City. So is Mort, whom you might recall from this blog's first post, ever.

Now, this blog, it's the result of sheer boredom, and a desire to pretend that someone out there might care to hear my thoughts. AKA, the motivation of 99.9% of other bloggers. Maybe with an extra few nines. Perhaps it'll turn out to be a good idea. Maybe not. Only one way to find out, hm? I plan to try to keep the boring personal crap to a minimum, no doubt Mort'll take care of that. Tayoko will be posting up random artistic stuff, and making me feel bad about my own crudely drawn stick figures. And Gorilla? Hell if I know.